Skyrim NPC Codes List

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NPC Name NPC Code Editor Name
Whiterun Guard 00063F35 CWSiegeWhiterunImperialSoldier
Whiterun Guard 00108D8B GuardWhiterunImperialDragonsreachPorchPatrolB
Whiterun Guard 000EA0A2 GuardWhiterunImperialTemplate
Whiterun Guard 000A27CC MQ104Soldier01
Whiterun Guard 000BD05C MQ104Messenger
Whiterun Guard 00108298 GuardWhiterunSonsDragonsreachPorchPatrol
Wilhelm 000136BB Wilhelm
Willem 000661AF Willem
Wilmuth 0009CCD9 Wilmuth
Windhelm Guard 00045C31 GuardWindhelmSons
Winterhold Guard 00024B63 GuardWinterholdSons
Winterhold Guard 000FCEEC GuardWinterholdTownSonsPatrol2
Winterhold Guard 000FCEED GuardWinterholdTownSonsPatrol
Winterhold Guard 000FCEEB GuardWinterholdTownSonsPost
Wisp 0002C3C7 EncWisp
Wispmother 00023ABD EncWispMother
Witch 00074F74 EncWitch01TemplateFire
Witch 00074F75 EncWitch01TemplateIce
Witch 00074F76 EncWitch01TemplateStorm
Wizard Dragonborn DLC Code + 020FC1 DLC2WE05Wizard
Wizard 00044CCC EncWarlock00Template
Wizards' Guard 000154C9 dunMarkarthWizardSecurity_Missile_EvenTonedM
Wizards' Guard 000154C8 dunMarkarthWizardSecurity_Melee_EvenTonedF
Wizards' Guard 000154C7 dunMarkarthWizardSecurity_Melee_EvenTonedM
Wizards' Guard 000154CA dunMarkarthWizardSecurity_Missile_EvenTonedF
Wolf 00023ABE EncWolf
Wolf Guardian Spirit 000E662D dunHunterWolfGuardian
Wolf Spirit 000F608C PlayerWolfSpirit
Wood Cutter 000CE5D0 dunPOITreasCorpseLumberjack
Wood Cutter 0002236C pinewoodGroveLumberjack
Worshipper 0005B907 dunPOITalosWorshipperCorpse03
Worshipper 0005B90D dunPOITalosWorshipperCorpse01
Worshipper 0005B937 dunPOITalosWorshipperCorpse02
Wounded Frostbite Spider Dawnguard DLC Code + 01A5C6 DLC1VQ01GiantSpider
Wrathman Dawnguard DLC Code + 004575 DLC1LvlSoulCairnWrathmanAmbush
Wrathman Dawnguard DLC Code + 01A16A DLC1EncUndeadSummon1
Wrathman Dawnguard DLC Code + 0071AD DLC1LvlSoulCairnWrathman
Wrathman Dawnguard DLC Code + 0045B4 DLC1SoulCairnWrathmanSummon
Wujeeta 00013382 Wujeeta
Wulf Wild-Blood Dragonborn DLC Code + 018FAE DLC2SVWulfWildblood
Wulfgar 0002C6CA Wulfgar
Wuunferth the Unliving 00014146 Wuunferth
Wylandriah 00019DEF Wylandriah
Wyndelius Gatharian 0005FFDF WyndeliusGatharian
Xander 000AF523 SailorXander
Yag gra-Gortwog 0003B0E5 dunAlftandYagGraGortwog
Yar gro-Gatuk 000CE087 DA05Hunter10_03Missile_Yar
Yatul 0001B077 Yatul
Yisra 000D4FF9 POIMageYisra
Yngvar the Singer 000133C1 Yngvar
Yngvild Ghost 000743AE dunYngvildLvlGhostMeleeCommoner
Yngvild Ghost 00074361 dunYngvildLvlGhostMeleeEvenToned
Yngvild Ghost 00074360 dunYngvildLvlGhostMeleeNord
Yrsa Dragonborn DLC Code + 018FB9 DLC2SVYrsa
Yrsarald Thrice-Pierced 00084551 CWFieldCOSonsEastmarch
Ysgramor 00023EED YsgramorDog
Ysgramor 00098BD1 MQ305Ysgramor
Ysolda 00013BAB Ysolda
Zahkriisos Dragonborn DLC Code + 0248E8 DLC2AcolyteZahkriisos
Zaria 0003A19A Zaria
Zaynabi 0001B1D0 Zaynabi