Skyrim NPC Codes List

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NPC Name NPC Code Editor Name
Thalmor Soldier 0002B124 EncThalmor00MeleeTemplate
Thalmor Soldier 000728AC EncThalmor00MissileTemplate
Thalmor Wizard 000728AD EncThalmor00WizardTemplate
Tharstan Dragonborn DLC Code + 018FC8 DLC2SVTharstan
The Caller 0004D246 MG03Caller
The Forgemaster Dawnguard DLC Code + 015401 DLC1LD_Forgemaster
The Pale Lady 000D37F4 dunFrostmereCryptPaleLady
Thief 00103510 WEThiefTemplate
Thief 000B816E WERJThief
Thief 000EF9C3 WERJ03Thief
Thief 00023EE8 WIThief
Thief 000E93D3 E3demoThief
Thjollod 000CE088 DA05Hunter12_04Archer_Thjollod
Thomas 000C3B25 dunBleakFallsCorpseBretonThomas
Thonar Silver-Blood 000133BA Thonar
Thongvor Silver-Blood 000133BB Thongvor
Thonjolf 0001C181 Thonjolf
Thonnir 000135F2 Thonnir
Thorald Gray-Mane 0001C241 ThoraldGrayMane
Thorek 00024278 Thorek
Thorek 000341FF Thorek_Ambush
Thorgar 000AE777 Thorgar
Thoring 00013621 Thoring
Thorygg Sun-Killer 0008455F CWFieldCOSonsFalkreath
Threki the Innocent 00013367 Threki
Thrynn 000D4FDB Thrynn
Thug 000B91B0 WEDL05Thug
Tiber 00023EF1 TiberDog
Tilde Dawnguard DLC Code + 010DE5 DLC1DawnguardExterior01
Tilisu Severin Dragonborn DLC Code + 018286 DLC2RRTilisuSeverin
Tilma the Haggard 00013BB6 Tilma
Tolenos Omoren Dragonborn DLC Code + 039D18 DLC2RRMinerTolenos
Tolfdir 0001C19E Tolfdir
Tonilia 000B8827 Tonilia
Torbjorn Shatter-Shield 0001413F Torbjorn
Torkild Dragonborn DLC Code + 034024 DLC2WB01Torkild
Torkild the Fearsome 000CE084 DA05Hunter08_03Melee_Torkild
Tormir 0001403D Tormir
Torolf 00013641 Torolf
Torom 0002F442 Torom
Torsten Cruel-Sea 00014136 Torsten
Torture Victim 00015D0E DBTortureVictim2
Torture Victim 00037A28 DBTortureVictim3
Torture Victim 00037A2C DBTortureVictim4
Torture Victim 00015D02 DBTortureVictim1
Torturer 000B9652 MQ101Torturer
Torturer's Assistant 000B9655 MQ101TorturerAssistant
Torvar 0001A6DB Torvar
Tova Shatter-Shield 000D2B16 TovaDead
Tova Shatter-Shield 00014125 Tova
Trapper 000D1685 POILvlTrapperHostile02
Trapper 000D1686 POILvlTrapperHostile01
Traveler Dawnguard DLC Code + 004208 DLC1RadiantDisguisedVampireLord
Traveling Bard Dawnguard DLC Code + 005E4C DLC1RadiantDisguisedVampireBard
Traveling Bard Dawnguard DLC Code + 004C25 DLC1RadiantDisguisedHunterBard
Traveling Dignitary 00087B9C DBRecurringTarget8Solitude
Traveling Merchant Dawnguard DLC Code + 005E4D DLC1RadiantDisguisedVampireMerchant
Traveling Merchant Dawnguard DLC Code + 004C24 DLC1RadiantDisguisedHunterMerchant
Traveling Pilgrim Dawnguard DLC Code + 005E4E DLC1RadiantDisguisedVampirePilgrim
Traveling Pilgrim Dawnguard DLC Code + 004C26 DLC1RadiantDisguisedHunterPilgrim
Treasure Hunter Dragonborn DLC Code + 0377DC DLC2dunHakinrsShoal_TreasureHunter02
Treasure Hunter Dragonborn DLC Code + 0377DB DLC2dunHakinrsShoal_TreasureHunter01
Treasure Hunter 000D1240 LvlTreasureHunter
Treasure Hunter 000A17AF WETreasureHunterActor
Trilf 00019A1B Trilf
Trius 00043BAD Trius
Troll 000F077A EncUderfrykte
Troll 00023ABA EncTroll
Tsavani 000353C7 Tsavani
Tsrasuna 000CE081 DA05Hunter05_02Missile_Tsrasuna
Tsun 0004F828 Tsun
Tulvur 00014139 Tulvur
Tuthul 0001996D Tuthul
Tynan 000D6718 Tynan
Tythis Ulen 0001337D Tythis
Uaile 000133BC Uaile
Udefrykte 000AFBA2 DBEncTroll
Uglarz 000E316F Uglarz
Ugor 00019E1A Ugor
Ulag 000E2BBF dunSleepingTreeCampBanditCorpse
Ulfberth War-Bear 00013B9F Ulfberth
Ulfgar the Unending 000EA71C MQ305Ulfgar
Ulfr the Blind 000812FC dunWhiteRiverWatch_BanditWatchman
Ulfric Stormcloak 000EA581 MQ304Ulfric
Ulfric Stormcloak 000D0575 CWBattleUlfric
Ulfric Stormcloak 0001414D Ulfric
Ulundil 00014141 Ulundil
Ulves Romoran Dragonborn DLC Code + 01777D DLC2Ulves
Ulyn Dragonborn DLC Code + 032CEF DLC2dunFahlbtharzExplorerCorpse01
Umana 0003B0E3 dunAlftandUmana
Umurn 00013B7E Umurn
Una 000132AC Una
Unbound Dremora 00099F2F MGRDremoraSummon
Unemployed Laborer 00087B94 DBRecurringContact10Rorikstead
Ungrien 0001337E Ungrien
Unmid Snow-Shod 000371D7 Unmid
Uraccen 000133BD Uraccen
Urag gro-Shub 0001C193 UraggroShub
Urchin 0005224B DBCourierUrchin
Urog 0001B078 Urog