Skyrim NPC Codes List

Type the name of a character or NPC code into the search box below to instantly search our database of 2761 NPC IDs.

NPC Name NPC Code Editor Name
Mudcrab 000E4011 EncMudcrabLarge
Mudcrab 000E4010 EncMudcrabMedium
Mudcrab 00021875 EncMudcrabGiant
Mudcrab Guardian Spirit 000E662B dunHunterMudcrab
Muiri 0001406B Muiri
Mul gro-Largash 0001B07A MulGroLargash
Mulush gro-Shugurz 000133A9 MulushGroShugurz
Murbul 00013B7A Murbul
Muril 00034D99 Muril
Naaslaarum Dawnguard DLC Code + 010E9C DLC1lvlDragonNaaslaarum
Nagrub 00013B7F Nagrub
Nahagliiv 000FE431 MQResurrectDragon2
Nahkriin 000F849B dunSkuldafnNahkriin
Namasur Dawnguard DLC Code + 011E5D DLC1Namasur
Nana Ildene 000133A0 Ildene
Narfi 000136C0 Narfi
Naris Mavani Dragonborn DLC Code + 039D14 DLC2RRMinerNaris
Naris the Wicked 000427A6 dunMorvunskarNaris
Narri 00013654 Narri
Nazeem 00013BBF Nazeem
Nazir 0001C3AB Nazir
Nazir 0004DDA0 NazirSancAttack
Necromage 000551AD EncWarlock04TemplateNecro
Necromage 000E0FCB EncWarlock04TemplateBossNecro
Necromancer 00028502 MS06NecromancerCultist1
Necromancer Adept 000551AC EncWarlock03TemplateNecro
Necromancer Adept 000E0FC6 EncWarlock03TemplateBossNecro
Neetrenaza 0001412F Neetrenaza
Nelacar 0001E7D5 Nelacar
Nelkir 0001434D Nelkir
Neloth Dragonborn DLC Code + 01773A DLC2Neloth
Nenya 00013659 Nenya
Nepos the Nose 000133AA Nepos
Nerien 000A4E85 MG02Nerien
Nerien 000233D2 Nerien
Nervous Patron 00087B8B DBRecurringContact1Dawnstar
Netch Dragonborn DLC Code + 02173B DLC2EncNetchTest
Netch Calf Dragonborn DLC Code + 02857F DLC2EncNetchCalf
Niels 000411D0 dunMossMotherHunter02
Night Mother Voice NPC 0003BB85 DBNightMotherVoiceNPC
Nightingale Sentinel 000E0CDD EncNightingaleTemplateMale
Nightingale Sentinel 000DEEDF EncNightingaleTemplateFemale
Nightingale Sentinel 0001BB5D Gallus
Nightlord Vampire Dawnguard DLC Code + 00282F DLC1EncVampire07ImperialF
Nightlord Vampire Dawnguard DLC Code + 017F90 DLC1EncVampire07BretonFAlt
Nightlord Vampire Dawnguard DLC Code + 00282C DLC1EncVampire07BretonF
Nightlord Vampire Dawnguard DLC Code + 017F91 DLC1EncVampire07DarkElfFAlt
Nightlord Vampire Dawnguard DLC Code + 017F92 DLC1EncVampire07NordFAlt
Nightlord Vampire Dawnguard DLC Code + 002830 DLC1EncVampire07NordF
Nightlord Vampire Dawnguard DLC Code + 00282D DLC1EncVampire07DarkElfF
Nightlord Vampire Dawnguard DLC Code + 00282A DLC1EncVampire07Template
Nightlord Vampire Dawnguard DLC Code + 00282E DLC1EncVampire07HighElfF
Nightmaster Vampire Dawnguard DLC Code + 002835 DLC1EncVampire07BossNordM
Nightmaster Vampire Dawnguard DLC Code + 002834 DLC1EncVampire07BossImperialM
Nightmaster Vampire Dawnguard DLC Code + 002831 DLC1EncVampire07BossBretonM
Nightmaster Vampire Dawnguard DLC Code + 00282B DLC1EncVampire07TemplateBoss
Nightmaster Vampire Dawnguard DLC Code + 002833 DLC1EncVampire07BossHighElfM
Nightmaster Vampire Dawnguard DLC Code + 002832 DLC1EncVampire07BossDarkElfM
Nikulas Dragonborn DLC Code + 018FC1 DLC2SVNikulas
Nikulas 000EA71E MQ305Nikulas
Nils 0001414B Nils
Nilsine Shatter-Shield 0001412C Nilsine
Niluva Hlaalu 0001336E Niluva
Nimphaneth 0009BB45 DA11Nimphaneth
Nimriel 0002C926 Nimriel
Niranye 00014123 Niranye
Niruin 0001CD91 Niruin
Nirya 0001C19B Nirya
Nivenor 0001336F Nivenor
Niyya Dragonborn DLC Code + 027E42 DLC2Niyya
Njada Stonearm 0001A6D9 NjadaStonearm
Noble 00102D63 WERoad02NobleF
Noble 00102D62 WERoad02NobleM
Nobleman Dawnguard DLC Code + 008E1B DLC1dunRedwaterDenAddict3
Nobleman 0005A92F DB09Noble2
Nobleman 0005A92D DB09Noble1
Noblewoman 0005A930 DB09Noble3
Nocturnal 0001A2CF Nocturnal
Nord Dawnguard DLC Code + 009A3A DLC1dunRedwaterDenBeggarMaleOldGrumpy
Nord 000E3EAD FFHM01LeifnarrTreasCorpse
Nord Dawnguard DLC Code + 015B49 DLC1VCThrallMaleOldGrumpy
Northwatch Archer 0009F35F MS09LvlMissile
Northwatch Guard 000C07C2 MS09LvlGuard
Northwatch Guard 00027F78 MS09LvlMelee1H
Northwatch Interrogator 0009F360 MS09LvllThalmorBoss
Northwatch Mage 000C4EB1 MS09LvlMage
Northwatch Prisoner 000C1A9E dunNorthwatchPrisoner01
Northwatch Prisoner 000C1AA3 dunNorthwatchPrisoner03
Northwatch Prisoner 000C1A9F dunNorthwatchPrisoner02
Noster Eagle-Eye 0001329C NosterOneEye
Novice Conjurer 0006D22E EncWarlock01TemplateConjurer
Novice Fire Mage 00044CD7 EncWarlock01TemplateFire
Novice Ice Mage 00044CD8 EncWarlock01TemplateIce
Novice Necromancer 000548FE EncWarlock01TemplateNecro
Novice Necromancer 001092F5 dunPOIChickenNecromander
Novice Storm Mage 00044CD9 EncWarlock01TemplateStorm
Nura Snow-Shod 00013372 Nura
Nurelion 00014148 Nurelion
Nystrom 000FF208 TG09TreasCorpseNystrom
Octieve San 0001329D OctieveSan