Skyrim Setrelationshiprank Command

General Information

This console command sets the relationship rank between your targeted NPC and the specified reference ID.


setrelationshiprank [reference id] [relationship rank] Target Command

Reference IDThe reference ID of the NPC you wish to change the relationship of (relationship between this reference ID and your current target).
Relationship RankA number between -4 and 4:
  • -4 - Archnemesis
  • -3 - Enemy
  • -2 - Foe
  • -1 - Rival
  • 0 - Acquaintance
  • 1 - Friend
  • 2 - Confidant (not a mispelling of confident!)
  • 3 - Ally
  • 4 - Lover


setrelationshiprank 0078783 1

The above command would set the relationship rank between your targeted NPC and the NPC with reference ID 0078783 to 1 (friend).

setrelationshiprank player -3

This console command would make the relationship rank between your character (player) and your current target -3 (enemy).